Catherine Interiors

At Catherine Interiors & GC we are a family owned business focused on all types of interior design and decoration. In addition, of construction and remodeling of interiors and exteriors both residential and commercial. We work ceilings, walls, floors, windows and much more. We also set the mood of your home with installation and placement of lighting, textured coated walls or with beautiful wall papers, curtains, carpets, among other accessories. Our goal is always developed a pleasant and functional environment for our extended family, our clients. We work all styles of decoration and ideas in common agreement with our client. Styles such as minimalist, rustic, classic, contemporary among others. Everything begins with the dedication to design and planning, analyzing the functionality of the space and the application of different styles to achieve the desired aesthetics.
In partnership with my collaborator and high quality project management company, TORCHING yourtasktoday. Together we fully manage budgets, permits and other duties to achieve cost efficient and high quality projects. Our philosophy is that “We Do it for You”. I am CODDI ☺
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9am – 6pm
9am – 6pm
9am – 6pm
9am – 6pm
9am – 6pm
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